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6 Amazon Repricing Myths Debunked

Amazon repricing myths

Did you hear the one about Amazon repricing being a race to the bottom? Amazon repricing is surrounded by myths, half-truths and dubious claims. Rest assured, with a reputable repricer you can price both up and down and set a minimum price.

Let’s explore the most popular Amazon repricing myths and determine the truth.

1. It’s a Race to the Bottom

Repricers are not just a downward spiral. You can win sales based on a number of factors. Using repricing rules, you can price both up and down, based on the attributes of your competitors.

For example, a seller with a better reputation could price above a seller of lower standing and still win the Buy Box. Many factors influence who wins the Amazon Buy Box — a good repricer allows you to consider all of them.

Some of the competitive factors besides the price include:

  • Fulfillment method
  • Stock level
  • Location
  • Seller rating
  • Free shipping

2. Repricers Reduce Prices to a Cent

Again, not true. With rules-based repricing, you set the lowest and highest price at which you’re willing to sell a particular product. With advanced repricers, you can use your desired net-margin to set your price range. This ensures you always sell at a price that makes sense for your business.

3. You’ve No Control Over Prices

You set the price range – the repricer only works between those conditions. Repricing rules let the seller decide the price, when to compete and when to exit the fight. Sellers understand their products and competitors better than anyone else.

They combine this unique knowledge with the flexibility of rules to set out the best repricing strategy.

4. Repricers Are Too Expensive

Not all repricers take a cut of your sales. With the right repricer, the benefits far outweigh the costs. The end goal is to achieve a healthy return on investment and make more profit.

A good repricer is a solid investment because it creates more opportunities to sell and also lets you control your margin.

Pricing plans vary. To get started, chose a flexible, short-term plan and measure performance as you go. This limits the cost and means you only pay for the month you’re in.

5. Amazon Repricing Can Mean Selling at a Loss

With rules-based repricing, a seller can specify how they wish to compete in a super-granular way. Selling at a loss can be avoided by setting your minimum and maximum price within your preferred margin.

You set the rules, you define the margins and you choose the competitive scenarios.

6. Only Suitable For Big Sellers

Repricers are suitable for every type of seller. There are entry-level packages for those in slower-moving markets with less competition or advanced repricers with features like net-margin repricing that take account of all costs to ensure a target profit. combines the power of our smart algorithms with the flexibility to compete on your own terms. Winning the Amazon Buy Box depends on several factors; price, selling history, performance metrics and more.

Rules-based repricing takes all these factors into account and lets you compete in a granular way by reacting to all the competitive scenarios. Repricing rules help you maximise your profits and increase your share of the Amazon Buy Box.

Final Thoughts

Beat your competitors and win the Buy Box with the fastest repricer available and watch your profits grow. Get started today with a free 14-day trial – no credit card required.

Chris Dunne
Chris Dunne
Digital Marketing Manager @
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