Amazon Belgium – The 21st Amazon Marketplace

amazon belgium

Amazon has just announced plans to open its virtual doors within Belgium with its own dedicated marketplace, It seemed there were problems in obtaining the address which has been occupied for years by a Belgian insurance company. Nonetheless, is here and soon-to-be ready for the Belgium market. When will this happen? Officially, […]

Stay Competitive On Amazon [ 3 Key Areas To Focus On ]

stay competitive on amazon

What, only three? Yes, that’s right. And these three all need each other. Think of an average three-legged stool. Take one leg away, and the stool falls down. Each leg needs to be strong. And each leg needs to be able to rely on the other two being strong. Let’s ease this thought into an […]

8 Ways To Improve Your Amazon Order Defect Rate [ Complete Seller’s Guide ]

improve amazon order defect rate

Just the mention of the phrase ‘order defect rate’ might make some Amazon sellers shudder. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re an Amazon seller, or you’re about to become one, and you aren’t sure what the Order Defect Rate (ODR) is – read on to find out. You’ll see how very […]

The 12-Step Guide to Social Media Marketing for Amazon Sellers 2024

social media marketing guide for amazon sellers

According to DataReportal, in April 2022, there were 4.65 billion people around the world using social media. How’s that for a marketplace! Social media can make a huge difference to your sales on Amazon – whatever you’re selling. It can also beef up customer loyalty to your brand and products. What’s so good about it […]

Creating an Amazon FBA Shipping Plan to Easily Manage Shipments

create an amazon fba shipping plan

Using Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) has its perks and if you’re thinking of becoming an FBA seller, one of the things you need to know is creating a shipping plan. While Amazon will handle the shipment of your products to your customers, you are still responsible for sending your products to Amazon Fulfillment Centers […]

How To Structure Your Amazon Image Gallery For Maximum Conversion


Aside from making sure that your listing’s title, bullet points, product description, and price have been fully optimized, you also need a well-structured image gallery to help drive in more sales. Simply uploading your product images without any kind of strategy will turn off potential buyers and lead to lost sales – and by that, […]

How to Prepare for Amazon Prime Day 2022

how to prepare for amazon prime day

Prime Day is coming. Is your business ready?  By now, nearly everyone is familiar with (or has at least heard of) Prime Day, Amazon’s two-day sales event that takes place annually to offer excellent deals across the online retailer’s major shopping categories.  Here’s why Prime Day is a big event that you won’t want to […]

An Introduction to Amazon Pricing Strategies in 2023

Amazon Pricing Stratagies

Whether you’re new or more seasoned in selling on Amazon, there are many things to consider in running and growing your business for profitability. The obvious things that come to mind include setting up your store, building out adequate inventory, using high-quality images and optimising your product descriptions for SEO.  But one element of running […]

How to Control Inventory Storage Costs for Amazon FBA Sellers

How to Control Inventory Storage Costs for Amazon FBA Sellers

If you’re an Amazon seller, you may want to consider participating in Amazon’s FBA programme. FBA stands for ‘fulfilled by Amazon’, and in a nutshell, it means that you don’t have to carry your own stock.  Instead, you keep your stock in one of Amazon’s fulfilment centres, and whenever someone buys a product from you […]

Amazon Best Sellers Rank – The Complete Seller’s Guide

Amazon Best Sellers Rank - The Complete Seller's Guide

Amazon’s mission statement is to “help consumers find, discover and buy anything, and to empower businesses and content creators to maximise their success.” Clearly, it is achieving that and more, seeing as Amazon holds the title of being the world’s largest online retailer. It’s impressive how big Amazon actually is; it currently sells more than […]